Digital Education Consulting (DEC) Group
a PDG du CDSI, Aïssatou Cissé, a un accord de partenariat avec la société sénégalaise, Digital Education Consulting (DEC) Group, fondée par le professeur Moustapha Diack. DEC est un groupe de conseil international dont le siège est à Somone, au SÉNÉGAL, avec des bureaux situés en Inde, en Éthiopie et en Égypte. Le professeur Moustapha Diack est un leader mondial dans le domaine de l'éducation numérique. Il travaille actuellement en partenariat avec Mme Aïssatou Cissé et le CDSI pour (1) identifier des partenaires stratégiques mondiaux et établir des normes nationales pour la conception de programmes inclusifs pour l'éducation numérique au Sénégal et lutter contre l'extrême fracture numérique qui sévit au SÉNÉGAL. Le collaboratif supervise le projet DEC Virtual Schools, un réseau d'écoles STEM(Science, Technologie, Ingénierie et Mathématiques) au Sénégal.
Prof. Diack
Diack is internationally known for his global leadership and innovative research in the areas of digital education and quality standards.
About Diack
Professor Moustapha is former Associate Vice President of Online Learning Services for the Southern University System (SUS) in Louisiana. He is currently associated with the doctoral program in Science Math Education (SMED), College of Sciences and Engineering (CSE), at Southern University in Baton Rouge.Diack has more than 25 years’ experience in digital education and has served as consultant for many national and international organizations. He has a formal training in e-Learning and a strong experience in educational research and faculty development.
His research interests and leadership roles are in the areas of learning engineering, with specific research interests focusing on the new advances in Interactive Multimedia Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Data Science (DS), and Cognitive Science (CS) principles. These axes of research open new frontiers in digital education to design inclusive virtual learning environments that facilitate individualized instruction, academic success, and college affordability.Prof. Diack has extensive experience in the areas of online learning design and delivery and has played a global leadership role in the areas of Open Education Resources (OER) and Open Education Practices (OEP).
He is recipient of the InternationalMERLOT(Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching) eLearning Innovation Award 2009. He is member of the MERLOT Faculty Development Editorial Board and Co-Founding Director of the MERLOT Africa Network (MAN), a network of African higher education institutions and digital scholars engaged in the research and implementation of OER.
At Southern, Diack oversees the development and implementation of integrated digital library services, the Southern University Online Library for Education (SUOL4ed), to facilitate quality online programs development and college affordability through the adoption of OER and Open Textbook.
Diack is member of the Louisiana Board of Regents Task Force on Electronic Learning and Past President 2003-2006 of the Louisiana Academy of Science.
He serves as one of the 13 members of the Quality Matters Board of Directors, and consults for the MERLOT and the SKillscommons organizations. He assumes the functions of Senior Manager for Workforce Development Initiatives for Africa
with Skillscommons and the MERLOT-Skillscommons’ H5P Project Director. H5P is an innovative technology to design interactive digital resources for STEM education and training.